again with gackt and hyde obession.. sorry bout that, i know it's lame but i can't help it.. they're too cute to get over with in such a short time..

On Sunday, January 30, 2011 3 comments

ok... i'm sorry.. i know i'm going to bored the hell out of you by talking nonsense bout  HYDE and Gackt again...

so.. i'm just going to talk bout how i develop this obsession toward both of them...

ok.. know anything about vocaloid? it's a voice synthesis program. a few weeks ago i was totally engrossed with them when i first saw their live concert at youtube.. i guess you're wondering how can a machine do a live concert right? well, i thought bout the same thing before.. that's why instead of using a real person to sing they used holograms.. it is so cool. the hologram look so real. while enjoying their musics i browse around to learn bout their history and stuff  and decided to take a look at their voice sample. you know how life gets boring after a few months of SPM so i just clicking around any possible place i can clicked on and i found out that the voice sample of Gackpoid( Gakupo), Gackt acted in a movie called Moon Child alongside HYDE.
                                                    this is Gakupo in case you're wondering

so since i already know bout them and already love HYDE's voice and in love with Gackt's hot face i searched for the movie trailer and synopsis. By that time i was so determined to watch that movie. It's a cool, slick and full of action movie but i rather don't want you guy's to trust me so much cause my judgment was blurred by the presence of the 2 cute characters in the movie that you know who... i spend all of my time gawking at them throughout the movie.

to be continued...........
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gackt and hyde madness

On Friday, January 28, 2011 0 comments

 Recently i just found my soulmate.. actually it's more like soulmates.. lol!! they are Gakuto a.k.a Gackt and Hideto a.k.a HYDE.
but since HYDE was already married and yes, his wife is pretty cause apparently she's a model what was left is just Gackt.

this is gackt. tell you what.. he's 38! to cute to be true huh? yup! i know it.

and this is HYDE. and he's 42! believe it or not! owh.. man he's so cute. it's so sad that he's married and have a son...
                             well.. they're both rockers. Gackt used to be in this visual kei band called malice mizer   while HYDE is with a band called L'Arc en ciel and recently form a group called VAMPS.
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